Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Art from nature

Recently the members of the Wildlife Explorer group that I help out at had a morning at South Landing on Flamborough Head. We like this site. It now has everything we need for a morning out; a car park, a classroom (the new Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Living Seas Center) toilets and a place to wash our hands. But best of all it has a walk though woodland that takes us down to the beach.

During our visit we looked and listened for signs of spring. We saw Celendine and Gorse in flower (the latter smelled fantastic), we saw Swallows flying in off the sea and we heard Chiff Chaff singing on newly established territories.

The beach at South Landing is great. It's covered with chalk cobbles and pebbles of various sizes and once a year when we visit we have great fun making art form the things we find on the beach. I never cease to be amazed by the imagination of the kids and rather than try to describe their efforts I.m just going to post the pictures and let you make up your own minds. (A penguin, a guinea pig, a big fish chasing little fish, a puffin, a really big shark, a happy fish).